Breakdancing the day away(and spreading the disease to others =D)

Da BB0y...

Da BB0y...
BBoy yoz

Sunday, February 15, 2009


yest had dance rehearsal,
was screwed up (kinda) cos wei chong came like half an hour late and psp came one hour plus late
yea...and I was runnin late too...
so met ivan and greg at hougang mrt,
went to bus stop...
called wc,
ivan told him how to get whr we were,
we got on his bus,
got off at my house,
went to function room
and goofed off for 15 minutes...

then got into the actual thing,
wc, being wc, was tottaly failzed at it....
omg, srsly dam fail
anyway we finished most of it,
then naturally started slackin again...
i was doin my thang,
and tryin a bit o handstands
wc's baby freeze actually quite imba...
holy shit lol
but then he so frkin strong lah whr got fair
then he tried turtle freeze...
"cmon, cmon, i can do this" (Farts)
anw then mostly finished,
then psp arrived...
left ivan screaming(for fun) in the room to go get him from the gate
anyway...FINALLY got through the choreography...
then i chiong(sort of) to cat class

after cat class changed for the Breakout!!
then my parents came fetch me to my brother's soccer sch first, cos we all goin
lolz...my soccer shooting sux,altho i think i've mentioned that b4 sometime looong ago
anyway, this kid who's my brother's friend and his parents ask me to show him some bboy...
wat to do?? must help others right??
ha wadever

then got to the breakout thingy
was hella funny
lotsa spastic moments...
but srsly was damn funny
of course...i got owned like 150+ times during the course of the show...
their routine consisted of basically
flares, airtracks, windmills, 2000s, handstands, pikes, backflips, headspins, headstands...you know..the usual
so that contributed abt 80 times me getting owned...
the other 70 times??
well...the beatboxing
holy crap those guys are FREAKIN good...
and not just their dancing or beatboxing
the whole act is totaly first-class...
damn nice overall
(well...wat would u expect? it's a breakdance show...and well i'm........me)

then today...after mass went to city hall to meet with kevin(and jit ray)
walked around suntec...lookin for a present...
saw this cool plastic heart that had tiny electric sparks in it and was super cool
only 24.90...considered...then moved on
went into some random gift shops...
kevin was obsessed with this mini book entitled
"naughty things for women" or something like that...
oh and there was this really funny fridge magnet...
it said...
"it's only funny until someone gets hurt...
then its hilarious"
then after mini toons finally decided on a dog...and a pouch...and a phone strap
then went looking for starwax(shoe polish thingy) for jit ray's b'dae presnt from kevin
here's the (brief) story:
went to carrefour first floor
asked a sales person thingy
she said second floor
went to second floor carrefour
asked another person
said go in further
went in further
asked another person
said downstairs, near the pharmacy
went downstairs
went all the way in
asked a person
said pharmacy was near entrance
went to entrance
went to pharmacy
looked...found kiwi...omg
said upstairs(wtf...)
went upstairs
wandered around
said ask DIY ppl
asked a DIY ppl
said no hav, go shoe repair shop downstairs, opposite tony normans???
looked around more first
asked cashier
pointed and say there have
looked there
don't have
go downstairs,try find "tony normans"
don't have
saw ad for "tony romas"
looked at directory for tony romas
walked outside on first floor
saw fountain of wealth
needed to go fountain of wealth
f.o.w. on other side of busy road
kevin wanted to jaywalk and get run over
i didn't
turned around
saw stairs going down
went down
went to "green area"
found tony romas
found shoe repair shop
shoe repair guy took a can of black thing
was torraga or smth like that
"don't have"
that concludes how we spent TWO HOURS looking for starwax
wat a stupid day...
at least i got the presents

Payce out,
BBoy Jay-Z-D

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