yo i'm back from PSLTC!!! the peer support leader camp thing...
it was Uber fun!!as in,mega super epic giga ultra fun.
yea you get the picture...
okae...maybe it wasn't THAT fun...
but it sure owns the heck out of any scouts camp...
on par with orientation camp in sec one perhaps...
ther're other things on my agenda right now let me list em down so i don't forget...
Chrono Cross
ycs 2moro???
back to psltc.
went to sch...looked at groupings found i was in the same group as kevin and andrew...
like cool!!
what are the chances...
lol the ironic thing is dat you know how kevin always likes to say "wad'up brudder?"
the group we were in was called "bruder"
so the day started off...met other group members,and the facils in charge of our group.
yea...all more or less great guys...=)
so first there was session 1 in the classroom...(we were in 431,coincidence??)
name game and stuff like that...
after lunch visit to old SJI...
then there was games...
there was this station...you know the standard ones where there's a rubber band rope and the whole group has to skip rope??
we finished with a lot of time left so they started trying double dutch...
the "swinging the rope in two directions" didn't work so they just swung both from the same hand in the same direction...
andrew was the first to try "jumping in"(disney channel movie anybody??)
it wasn't all that difficult...just gotta time it...
i tried a few times...tried turning in mid-air...failed(but not epically;D)
that was really fun...then there was screening "pay it forward" a movie
sleep time...
kevin "forgot" his sleeping bag and had to share mine...
one word:"Akward"
haiz...it was friggin cold as usual...
was up like half the night cos it was cold...
next day morning was "semi-games" for pt...
i don't really remember what else...there was a talk by bro michael and a guy called kenny wong...
more games...
session 2...the life graph and "balloons and bricks" thing...
well yeah i'll admit i was kinda showing off my results a bit...
but i was illustrating the fact that i had a stress-free school life...
(wasn't i?)
2nd also there was showtime...
our group's theme was integrity...
we did some sketch(that's pronounced "skit" surprisingly....look it up)about a guy who makes a lot of promises and can't, no wait, dosen't keep them...
one of those promises was to fetch his littl bro from soccer...
i was the dad telling him to do that...and getting pissed when he dosen't...
the joke i added was.
Dad(angry):"you're grounded until i die"
Dad(angry):"and no,you're not allowed to assasinate me..."
also there was his proj...some music and dance thing...
he was supposed to sing but he didn't learn the lyrics...
i was doing the beat to low for that part...
since i was "famous" for my beatboxing/rapping by then...lol
once during the many "intermissions" between activities...
you know the ones where they tell lame jokes to pass the time??
they played low...then of course i started singing along...the guys up front saw me and asked me to go up...
i obviously resisted but andrew pushed me...
(to be honest i was sorta willing to go up meself)
so first is the chorus...since it was totally impromptu i just started with the beat...
then the 2nd chorus...oohh my favourite!!
so i sing/rap...
then i get into the "professional performer" mood...during the chorus i raise the mike to audience when there's an echo (boots with the fur(cue echo)with the fur)
yea...my leg was shaking throughout the whole thing...lol
even though this my third time performing i'm still nervous...
so...after that i was being recognised by random ppl...
"hey nice rapping" or smth like that...
i'll admit...it felt good...
next day...not much...there was session 3...the trust session...
there's this thing where the others form a circle around you and you close your eyes and fall and they catch you...
my turn they were singing stupid songs...
kim possible...spongebob squarepants...they were discussing barney...
so then came the end of camp...i must say i'll miss it...
moving on...
i'm playing audi now...i suck at it...
wei chong is pro...
he got like 8times my score??
and he's only 7lvls higher than me...
i'm lvl2...
anyone ever heard of Chrono Cross??
it's this rpg for playstation...
(yes ps1)
it WAS rated 10 out of 10 on gamespot...
nothing to be laughed at...
i played it like 4 years ago??
i just started remembering it...
so i looked it up...
i also found a "novelized" version of the storyline...
very interesting...
it's fun to read...
it's not an actual book though...
it's an ebook...
so i can only read it on the com...sad...
not portable...=(
brief description...
main char...
gets transported into an alternate universe...
in this universe he drowned 10 years ago...
and dosen't exist...
the story line and game revolves around parallel dimensions/universes...
very cool...check it out!!
(i wanna buy it for my ps3...=(
(shout out to my psltc buddies!!)
Payce out
BBoy Jay-Z-D

Breakdancing the day away(and spreading the disease to others =D)
Da BB0y...
BBoy yoz
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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